I never stop learning, do you? - personal blog of a forever unskilled software engineer
How much is a billion, really?shorts
Well, it depends.
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On CAA and CNAME recordsshorts
CAA and CNAME records don't mix on the same side, but they do across the chain.
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Brandolini's Law in the GPT Eraposts
The bullshit asymmetry principle has never been more true than today
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noCopy conventionposts
Purpose, usage, and history of the noCopy convention.
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Coroutines in Goposts
Exploring the implementation of coroutines in Go and the new iter package.
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Preemption in Go: an introductionposts
A short explanation of what is preemption and how it works
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Why am I doing it?posts
Exploring the deeper motivations behind programming
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Deconstructing Go's magical deferposts
Go's defer statement: going from magical to logical
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This is your brain on false sharingposts
A tale of CPU caching and memory allocation: unveiling false sharing's impact on Go's performances.
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Let's dive: a tour of sync.Pool internalsposts
A thorough exploration of Go's sync.Pool, revealing its concurrency mechanisms, memory management, and practical performance strategies.
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